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Modul 6 - Procastrination


Procastrination..The bane of university students

Procastrination is something that in my opinion many people struggle with, including myself. While studying baking and cooking become very alluring, alongside the dots on the wall, or the dirty dishes. The course states that procastrination is as follows

1, Behaviour sequence of postponement;
2, Resulting in a substandard behavioural product
3, Involving a task that is percieved by the procastrinator as being important to perform
4, Resulting in a state of emotional upset

From what I gathered this is basically how it usually goes : You think that you still have time, do something that you usually don't because of this, then go on to doing something else than you're supposed to be doing, then become stressed because of your lack of time. Yeah. Seems familiar, doesn't it?

The most important things of these last module were the following, in my opinion - in order of importance

-Learn to say no

This is a no-brainer, as people just often overwhelm themselves with stuff they agree on, yet have no energy or time to do properly. Too bad it does not apply to university, or at least not fully. You gotta do your 30 credits. That is if you want to finish it and not become a super-senior. Super in this case is bad.

-Minimize stress

Eat magnesium, it helps. Also, cut down on smoking cigarettes, all-nighters, and those gallons of coffe that you're dumping in your body, won't do you any good. Especially in the exam period. This is another good one, as you need a very calm environment to stay fully focused on studying or your task at hand. The course mentions that you should do things in time, as often times the origin of this stress is a deadline or an important date in your calendar. Can relate. Been there, done that. This is a good one, trust me.

-Meet deadlines early.

This is pretty important too, very close to the previous two. As I've learned throughout university, and as this course pointed out you should break bigger tasks into smaller tasks, set deadlines, and keep them strictly. It is much easier to write an essay in a week than it is to do it in a night. Plenty of time to do research, plenty to get ideas and plenty to write those precious 4 to 6 pages (Which are obviously 4 pages max, lol).

-Find productive time

This would actually work, if it were not for those pesky pesky little things we have called schedules. As a night owl having classes in the morning just does not work, can not stay up until I'm actually productive, then go to class the next morning looking and feeling like I am going to die any second, but I guess it is all the better for people who are early birds and who have an insatiable hunger for knowledge in the early afternoon hours. Or they just do not have jobs. Either works.

Some of these tips are irrelevant for uni students, because they focus on the world of jobs, with delegating someone for a task, and others are just "eh" so let me conclude this module here.

As this was the last part of the last module I am now finished with the course. The next entry is going to be a reflection on what I have accomplished, and how I feel about it.


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