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End of the line - The end of the course

7 éve
When I first started the module I had high hopes, because I was having trouble with studying. Never got the hang of it, instead I focused on learning by trial and error, and actually doing something. This had to change sooner or later, and this later was in my fourth semester of my university studies. I had the pleasure of sitting through 13 advanced syntax lectures, which is almost gibberish even to those who actually know what is going on. When the opportunity came to learn ...

Modul 6 - Procastrination

7 éve
Procastrination..The bane of university students Procastrination is something that in my opinion many people struggle with, including myself. While studying baking and cooking become very alluring, alongside the dots on the wall, or the dirty dishes. The course states that procastrination is as follows 1, Behaviour sequence of postponement; 2, Resulting in a substandard behavioural product 3, Involving a task that is percieved by the procastrinator ...

Modul 5 - Good academic practice

7 éve
After a superb module about how to google we move on to something with a little bit more substance (hopefully). Academic practice. Starting to get vibes from my first semester, with the scholary writing classes. First and foremost, what the majority of this module is : Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not plagiarize. Do not ...

Modul 4 - Finding and using information

7 éve
This is going to be a short entry. The 4th module deals with searching and finding information online which you could use. Not going to go into too much detail. TL ; DR : It is basically "Google 101" Longer version : Don't trust everything you read on the internet Google stuff Organize stuff And also, make sure you have push notifications enabled so you can be up to date with every website which has RSS or a ...

Modul 3 - Reading.

7 éve
The first thing that hit me today when I decided to do a little bit of progress with the course is that they changed the outlook of the style. I couldn't even log in! Woah! Must be something radical. Nope. The course looks the same way it did. Which is nice. After getting through the initial difficulties I found out that the next module I'll have to deal with is the one which has to do with ...

Modul 2 - Key skills

7 éve
TL;DR : Continued learning the basics, which is a little bit too long in my opinion The second module started off with the question of "Why do we use key skills?", then it went on by saying that we use these skills in different areas of our lives. These are: 1, Improving own learning and performance 2, Communication 3, Information Technology 4, Application of number 5, Problem solving 6, Working ...

Modul 1 - The beginning

7 éve
TL;DR version: I learned the very basic steps and elements of studying, then I took a good look at time-management advice, which was pretty cool. The first module started off with an obvious, but interesting proposition, which had multiple points. It differenciates between thinking about learning, and the process of actually doing it. Also, there were two good tips for people who (like me) have no idea about studying and learning. They ...


7 éve
An old friend of mine suggested that I take the same e-learning course as her I liked the idea, it's a relatively short course on how to learn better. As a person who struggled with sitting down and studying the traditional way I'm sure I'll find something of use, which I can utilize. Or if not, I can give awesome advice on how to learn to people who have similar problems as I do. Sounds preeeeettty good. I didn't take this too seriously, even during my first 3 ...